- Truck and Bus Rule – All retrofits purchased prior to 5/1/2011 must be installed by 10/1/2011 in order to qualify for the early retrofit credit.
- Truck and Bus Rule – In general, by 1/1/2012 fleets larger than 3 power units must either meet the BACT schedule (all 1996-1999 trucks meet PM BACT) or the phase in schedule (30% of all trucks, regardless of MY, meet PM BACT)
- SmartWay Rule – By 1/1/2012 Option 1 (reported by July 2010) large fleet phase in must have 15 percent of trailer fleet retrofit. Option 2 (reported by July 2011) large fleet phase in must have 20 percent of trailer fleet retrofit.
- TRU deadlines TBA, pending regulatory amendments. Proposed: TRUs less than 25hp must meet LETRU standard by 12/31/2011. TRUs greater than 25hp must meet ULETRU by 12/31/2011.
- Drayage Rule – 2004 MY engines must be retrofit with level 3 VDECS by 1/1/2012
- LA/LB CAAP – Must meet 2007+ standard by 1/1/2012