Cargo Securement FAQ

Updated: March 3, 2021

Where can I find definitions?

Definitions pertaining to cargo securement are contained in Title 49 of the Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR), Part 393.5. Definitions may be accessed by clicking on the following web link:

Where can I find the new Cargo Securement regulations?

49 CFR, Parts 393.100 through 393.136. 49 CFR may be accessed on the internet by clicking on the following web link:

What are the hay loading regulations?

Hay is not listed as commodity specific in federal loading regulations, therefore, it falls under general loading requirements as contained in Parts 393.100 through 393.114 of Title 49, Code of Federal Regulations (49 CFR).

Does Part 393.102(b) 49 CFR prohibit the use of securement devices for which manufacturing standards have not been incorporated by reference?

Guidance: 393.102(b) 49 CFR requires that chain, wire rope, synthetic webbing, cordage, and steel strapping meet minimum manufacturing standards. It does not, however, prohibit the use of other types of securement devices or establish manufacturing standards for those devices. Therefore, if the securement device(s) has an aggregate working load limit of at least 1/2 the weight of the article, and the load is secured to prevent it from shifting or falling from the vehicle, Parts 393.100 and 393.102(b) 49 CFR would be satisfied. If the cargo is not firmly braced against a front-end structure that conforms to the requirements of Part 393.106 49 CFR, the securement system would have to provide protection against longitudinal movement (Part 393.104(a) 49 CFR). If the load shifts sideways in transit then 393.104(b) would also be applicable

Does Part 393.102(b) 49 CFR require securement devices to be marked or labeled with their working load limit or any other information?

No. Although Part 393.102(b) 49 CFR requires chain, wire rope, synthetic webbing, cordage, and steel strapping tiedowns to meet applicable manufacturing standards, it explicitly excludes marking identification provisions of those manufacturing standards. Since Part 393.102(b) 49 CFR does not establish manufacturing standards or marking requirements for other types of securement devices, such devices are not required to be marked with their working load limit.

When describing a headerboard or cab protection device, the regulations state that similar devices may be used. What is meant by the term “similar devices?”

The term “similar devices” has reference to devices equivalent in strength and function, though not necessarily in appearance and construction of headerboards.


If an item of construction equipment which weighs less than 4,536 kg (10,000 lb.) is transported on a flatbed or drop-deck trailer, must the accessory equipment (i.e., boom or mast) be lowered to the deck of the trailer?

No. However, the accessory equipment must be properly secured using locking pins or similar devices in order to prevent either the accessory equipment or the item of construction equipment itself from shifting during transport. Additionally, California Vehicle Code (CVC) Sections 35250 and 35251 would continue to be applicable.

How should I secure the accessories for an item of construction equipment which weighs 4,536 kg (10,000 lb.) or more, if the accessory devices would extend beyond the width of the trailer if they are lowered to the deck for transport?

Section 35250 CVC will still apply. The accessory devices (plows, trencher bars, and the like) may be transported in a raised position, provided they are designed to be transported in that manner. However, the accessory equipment must be locked in place for transport to ensure that neither the accessories nor the equipment itself shifts during transport.

A tractor loader-backhoe weighing over 10,000 pounds is being transported on a trailer. The loader and backhoe accessories are each equipped with locking devices or mechanisms which prevent them from moving up and down, and from side-to-side while the construction equipment is being transported on the trailer. Must these accessories also be secured to the trailer with chains?

No. However, if the construction equipment does not have a means of preventing the loader bucket, backhoe, or similar accessories from moving while it is being transported on the trailer, a chain would be required to secure those accessories to the trailer.

When securing cargo, is the use of a tiedown every 10 linear feet, or fraction thereof, adequate?

Yes, as long as the aggregate strength of the tiedowns is equal to the requirements of Part 393.102 49 CFR, and each article is secured.

Are Commercial Motor Vehicles (CMVs) transporting metal objects required to use Option C of Part 393.110 49 CFR?

Only those CMVs which cannot comply with Options A, B, or D, are required to conform to Option C (see Part 393.100(c) 49 CFR).

Are the requirements of Part 393.100 49 CFR the only cargo securement requirements motor carriers must comply with?

No. A motor carrier, when transporting cargo, must comply with all the applicable cargo securement requirements of subpart I and Part 392.9 49 CFR.

Do the rules for protection against shifting or falling cargo apply to CMVs with enclosed cargo areas?

Yes. All CMVs transporting cargo must comply with the applicable provisions of Parts 393.100-393.106 49 CFR (subpart I) to prevent the shifting or falling of cargo aboard the vehicle.

How many tiedowns are required for the transportation of logs on pole trailers with trip-bolsters or other stanchions?

The regulations do not specify a minimum number of tiedowns. Part 393.100(b) 49 CFR provides motor carriers with several options for complying with Part 393.100 49 CFR. Although Option B specifically addresses the use of tiedowns for each 10 linear feet of lading or fraction thereof (with certain exceptions), Option D indicates the motor carrier may use other means which are similar to, and at least as effective as Options A, B, and C. Therefore, the trip-bolsters or other stanchions, in conjunction with securement devices meeting the requirements of Part 393.102 49 CFR, may (depending on the amount by which the logs exceed the length of the trailer) be used to satisfy Option D.

Are logs that are bundled together with tiedowns and transported on pole trailers with trip-bolsters or stanchions required to be fastened to the vehicle?

Yes. Generally, cargo is not considered to be secured in accordance with subpart I of Part 393, 49 CFR unless tiedowns or other securement devices prevent the cargo from moving relative to the vehicle. Two rules in Part 393.100, 49 CFR are directly applicable to the transportation of logs on a pole trailer. Part 393.100(b)(2), 49 CFR Option B, requires one tiedown assembly for each 10 linear feet of lading or fraction thereof. However, a pole trailer is required only to have two of those tiedown assemblies at each end of the trailer (i.e., at the stanchions), because the cargo cannot effectively be secured at mid-trailer where its structure is limited to the pole or boom. Part 393.100(b)(4), 49 CFR Option D, allows the motor carrier to use a securement system that is similar to, and at least as effective as Option B. Part 393.100(d), 49 CFR states that the rules in Part 393.100, 49 CFR do not apply to the transportation of “one or more articles which, because of their size, shape, or weight, must be carried on special purpose vehicles or must be fastened by special methods.” However, since pole trailers are explicitly included in Part 393.100(b)(2), 49 CFR, they are not special purpose vehicles and logs must be secured in accordance with Part 393.100(b), 49 CFR